Our technology uses barcoded paramagnetic beads in order to capture mRNA and tag it for downstream sorting of genes to their cells of origin.
C = Barcode L = Linker U = Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI)
Kits: GEXSCOPE® Single Cell, GEXSCOPE® Single-Nucleus, ProMoSCOPE™, GEXSCOPE®V(D)J, DynaSCOPE® Structure: C9L16C9L16C9L1U12
Kit: sCircle® Structure: U9C8L16C8L16C8 (TCR/BCR library) C8L16C8L16C8U9L6 (transcriptome)
Kit: AccuraCode® Structure: C9U12
Kit: AccuraCode® TCR Structure: L18C6U16
Reach out to our Tech Support Team, if you have further questions on our technology