24.12.10 2024 in Review: A Year of Remarkable Scientific Breakthroughs What a year 2024 has been for the scientific community – in particular in the field of immuno-oncology! Researchers using Singleron’s products have collectively published over 150 studies this year, each one pushing the boundaries of our understanding of diseases and molecular mechanisms. We are immensely proud to celebrate the dedication and success of these brilliant scientists whose work continues to inspire and drive progress in the field. Read more
24.10.18 How Single Cell Sequencing is Transforming Breast Cancer Research October is globally recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness about one of the most prevalent cancers affecting millions of women—and men—worldwide…. Read more
23.12.12 Annual Research Roundup: 2023's Most Impactful Publications! 2023 was a busy and successful year for our scientific community. As 2023 comes to an end, it is time to look back at some of theimpactful publications from this year. Read more
23.11.22 Decoding the Biological Meaning of Your Data: The Power of Accurate Automated Cell Type Annotation Automated single cell RNA sequencing annotation streamlines analysis, saving time and improving reproducibility. Exploreautomated ‘annotation approaches and key considerations in our latest blog Read more
23.10.06 Single Cell Sequencing: Unleashing the full potential of mRNA vaccines Explore the 2023 Nobel Prize-winning mRNA vaccines: their potential against evolving diseases like COVID-19, versatility for targeting cancer and autoimmune disorders, and the crucial role of single cell sequencing in understanding immune responses and personalizedimmunotherapy. Read more
23.08.01 Peering into Tomorrow: The Predictive Power of Machine Learning in Single Cell Analysis Single cell analysis technologies are one of the most revolutionary advancements in recent years. However, volume and complexity of the generated data pose a significant challenge. This is where machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence have emergedpowerful tools Read more
23.07.20 28 July World Hepatitis Day: Understanding Hepatitis with single cell RNA-seq 28 July is World Hepatitis Day, raising awareness and to encourage the stepping up of international efforts on preventing and treating hepatitis. This blogpost summarises a few recent research utilizing single cell RNA-seq to study the mechanism of hepatitis viraland pathogenesis. Read more
23.05.22 Standard differential gene expression analysis. What are we missing? Single cell differential gene expression (DGE) analysis seeks to classify two (or more) gene distributions as different, where our distributions are gene expression counts from distinct populations of cells. However, we can ask the question: are all differences between distributions equivalent Read more
23.05.16 Decoding the complexity of skin cancer with single cell sequencing May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. In our new blog post we summarize the latest research in the skin cancer field utilizing single cell sequencing in order to better understand the skin cancer tumor microenvironment and the prognostic signatures of different types ofcancers. Read more