Ready for your all-in-one single cell sequencing solution?

Uncover the Full Potential of Your Data:

Comprehensive single cell bioinformatics software and database

Perform data processing, analysis, visualization, and data mining independently with ease. No bioinformatics background? No worries–keep reading; we’ve got you covered.   

Bioinformatics Solutions for All Your Data Analysis Needs 

Sequencing data processing

CeleSCOPE® encompasses a full pipeline from FASTQ files to count matrix, which can then be used for downstream data analysis.

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Data visualization and exploration

CeleViz™ software offers a user-friendly graphical interface, making data visualization and exploration as easy as a breeze.

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Database and advanced analysis

SynEcoSys® database grants instant access to data from millions of single cells and their metadata, facilitating automated data analysis, data mining, and discovery. No coding required.

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Bioinformatics bootcamp

Interested to perform the full suite of single cell data analysis independently? Our 8-week part-time bioinformatics bootcamp helps beginners to quickly become bioinformatics experts.

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Ready to Dive Deep Into Data Analysis?

Ready to Dive Deep Into Data Analysis?

Contact us for further information on our bioinformatics tools.