DynaSCOPE – Adding time-resolution to your single-cell RNA-seq 27.07.20213’ Case studies Immunology Neurosciences Stem Cell Research The understanding of individual cells has enormously improved with the application of single-cell RNA-sequencing approaches, enabling researchers to map the precise expression profile of individual cells in a heterogeneous cell mixture. From this heterogeneous sample, cells with similar gene expression profiles can be grouped together, rare subpopulations can be identified, and their signatures can be compared against each other. Furthermore, the response to treatments can be investigated or the cellular differentiation trajectory can be derived from the expression profiles.The DynaSCOPETM Technology: Time-Resolution at Single Cell LevelHowever, this conventional single-cell RNA-sequencing approach only reflects a snapshot of a given time-point. This snapshot is upgraded to a more vivid image with a newly developed kit from Singleron Biotechnologies called DynaSCOPETM Single Cell Dynamic RNA-seq Library Kit, adding a “time” dimension to the single-cell RNA-seq data. Thereby, all transcripts of the single-cell RNA-seq experiment are marked with a timestamp, which then enables the investigation of transcriptional dynamics. This allows discerning nascent transcripts from static ones over a period of time and gives insights into how fast a transcript is synthesized or metabolized.The best part of this innovative technology is that the new workflow can be easily integrated into the conventional single-cell RNA-sequencing workflow. For this purpose, a chemical compound (4-Thiouridine) is added to the cells and will be only incorporated into freshly synthesized transcripts (nascent transcripts), but not into static ones, hence, providing metabolic labeling of the RNA as a timestamp. Then, the standard single-cell RNA-seq workflow can be followed-up by implementing only one additional step for the conversion of the incorporated 4-Thiouridine prior to standardized next-generation sequencing (Figure 1).Figure 1:Schematic workflow of the DynaSCOPE® single-cell transcriptome dynamics kit.The time-resolution of DynaSCOPE® Single Cell RNA Dynamic Library Kit can be explored on a global or transcriptional level.Using DynaSCOPE® on a global level, it reveals that different cell types of the same tissue (e.g., lung) have varying RNA turn-over rates (Figure 2). At the same time, on the transcript level, different genes, specifically expressed in lung tissues (e.g. Figure 2), show distinct transcription dynamics. For instance, transcripts that are freshly synthesized in a specific cell type (e.g., Lamp3 in B cells) can be distinguished from those transcripts that are more stable and long-lasting (e.g., Sfta2 in B cells and Macrophages) (Figure 2).Figure 2: UMAP plot and the annotation of cell type clusters from murine lung tissue (top). With a DynaSCOPE® data set, the time-resoultion is added on a global level as turn-over rate per cell, darker clusters showing a high RNA turn-over rate (bottom, left), and for individual transcripts within each cluster (bottom, right).Read this recent publication featuring DynaSCOPE Single Cell RNA Dynamic Library Kit.One might envision that DynaSCOPE® could help to discern primary and secondary effects of a treatment on a transcriptional level. This would shed light into signaling cascades and will facilitate the identification of potential new druggable target genes. Furthermore, it can support the prediction of developmental stages from individual cells in a time-dependent manner. This information is of particular interest to researchers of developmental biology, neuroscience (e.g. real-time analysis of massive transcript synthesis in the brain) and drug development.The new method could also be used to investigate mechanisms of infection by bacteria or virus and how individual cells and tissues respond to an antigen or to therapeutic treatment. Thus, it opens the door for more precise medication and might improve patient outcomes in the future. A post by Singleron teamCheck out our latest blog posts Learn more 24.12.10 2024 in Review: A Year of Remarkable Scientific Breakthroughs What a year 2024 has been for the scientific community – in particular in the field of immuno-oncology! Researchers using Singleron’s products have collectively published over 150 studies this year, each one pushing the boundaries of our understanding of diseases and molecular mechanisms. We are immensely proud to celebrate the dedication and success of these brilliant scientists whose work continues to inspire and drive progress in the field. Read more 23.12.12 Annual Research Roundup: 2023's Most Impactful Publications! 2023 was a busy and successful year for our scientific community. As 2023 comes to an end, it is time to look back at some of theimpactful publications from this year. Read more 23.10.06 Single Cell Sequencing: Unleashing the full potential of mRNA vaccines Explore the 2023 Nobel Prize-winning mRNA vaccines: their potential against evolving diseases like COVID-19, versatility for targeting cancer and autoimmune disorders, and the crucial role of single cell sequencing in understanding immune responses and personalizedimmunotherapy. Read more
24.12.10 2024 in Review: A Year of Remarkable Scientific Breakthroughs What a year 2024 has been for the scientific community – in particular in the field of immuno-oncology! Researchers using Singleron’s products have collectively published over 150 studies this year, each one pushing the boundaries of our understanding of diseases and molecular mechanisms. We are immensely proud to celebrate the dedication and success of these brilliant scientists whose work continues to inspire and drive progress in the field. Read more
23.12.12 Annual Research Roundup: 2023's Most Impactful Publications! 2023 was a busy and successful year for our scientific community. As 2023 comes to an end, it is time to look back at some of theimpactful publications from this year. Read more
23.10.06 Single Cell Sequencing: Unleashing the full potential of mRNA vaccines Explore the 2023 Nobel Prize-winning mRNA vaccines: their potential against evolving diseases like COVID-19, versatility for targeting cancer and autoimmune disorders, and the crucial role of single cell sequencing in understanding immune responses and personalizedimmunotherapy. Read more