Ready for your all-in-one single cell sequencing solution?

Novel Single Cell Sequencing Solutions and Effortless Data Analysis

High-throughput single cell sequencing is enabled by cutting-edge technologies which allow you to study genes and their functions across tens of thousands of cells simultaneously in a single experiment. It offers you essential insights into the samples with high level of heterogeneity and provide you with crucial information on gene expression across a multitude of cell subtypes present in your sample.

Data analysis is often the bottleneck to planning the next wet-lab experiments and advancing research projects. We’ll introduce Cellenics, a fast and user-friendly tool that enables biologists to analyze single cell datasets through to publication-ready figures without needing to develop bioinformatics skills.

In this webinar, our experts will help you understand recent advances in the field of single cell sequencing and you will learn about:
– Current technologies for high-throughput single cell sequencing
– Specifics of the single cell RNA-seq, count matrices and what to do with them
– The basics of how to process single cell data
– How to generate beautiful plots with just a few clicks using Cellenics